R-CNN for object detection and motion tracking
Project overview
- Applied detection and classification of moving objects (Computer Vision) using self-developed Deep Neural Networks (CNN, R-CNN)
- Self-generated and manually labeled dataset of the individual object to be identified
- Implementation in Python using Tensorflow, Keras and OpenCV
- Extension of the algorithm to recognise the object (remote controlled car) both in individual pictures and videos in order to track its movement
You can access the code HERE
Realization of an coustomized motion and object detection for an arbitrary mobile object using a Region Based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN).
Part 1: Generation of data
- Created a custom dataset with images and bounding box labels of the remote controlled car (see folder base_data)
- Labelimg was used to annotate the bounding boxes and for automated saving of the coordinates in .xml format
Part 2: Preprocessing
- Preprocessing of the data for the R-CNN algorithm is necessary, more precisely for training the CNN, since the CNN can not learn directly via the bounding box coordinates and expects a fixed size of the input images
- Automated creation of a separate training dataset for the CNN classification model, which contains positive and negative examples regarding the object to be classified using OpenCV library and Selective Search algorithm (see script generate_training_data.py)
- Montage of the generated images for both classes:
Part 3: Training of CNN classification model
- Self-developed and trained CNN model using the libraries Tensorflow and Keras for later classification (see script train_model.py for details).
- Tensorflow model saved in folder models
- Hyperparametertuning of training parameters and CNN architecture (see script models.py for architecture)
Part 4: R-CNN algorithm and User Interface
- Implemented the R-CNN algorithm with Selective Search, CNN classification model and Non-Maximum-Suppression (see script rcnn.py)
- Added an additional feature to extract frames of a video and put the frames back together after detection for video reconstruction using OpenCV library (see script video_frame_extractor.py)
- Developed a User Interface (UI) as main programm in main.py to simplify the execution of the individual tasks for the user:
Detection examples of the remote controlled car with second object